Evaluating Software Design Patterns
— the "Gang of Four" patterns implemented in Java 6

Uses of Package

Packages that use dk.rode.thesis.facade
dk.rode.thesis.facade Implementations and examples of the Facade design pattern [Gamma95, p.185]. 
dk.rode.thesis.visitor Implementations and examples of the Visitor design pattern [Gamma95, p.331]. 

Classes in dk.rode.thesis.facade used by dk.rode.thesis.facade
          An Ackermann sequence calculates the next value of the Ackermann function, v = A(m, n), each time AckermannSequence.next() is invoked, using a fixed value for m and thus increasing n, either indefinitely, or until a maximum value has been reached.
          A Fibonacci sequence represents an integer sequence, where each number delivered by FibonacciSequence.next() is the sum of the two preceding numbers, except one which is the initial value: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, ..
          A math facade is a small math library that represents an-easy-to-use high-level interface for complex mathematical functions.
          A random sequence returns a pseudo integer random number with each call to RandomSequence.next() between [0, maximum], where maximum is supplied at construction time.
          An unbounded random sequence returns a pseudo integer random number with each call to UnboundedRandomSequence.next() with no upper bound.

Classes in dk.rode.thesis.facade used by dk.rode.thesis.visitor
          A random sequence returns a pseudo integer random number with each call to RandomSequence.next() between [0, maximum], where maximum is supplied at construction time.

Gunni Rode / rode.dk

Feel free to use and/or modify the Java 6 source code developed for this thesis AT YOUR OWN RISK, but note that the source code comes WITHOUT ANY — and I do mean WITHOUT ANY — form of warranty WHAT SO EVER!

The original thesis and source code are available at rode.dk/thesis.