Evaluating Software Design Patterns
— the "Gang of Four" patterns implemented in Java 6

Uses of Class

Packages that use TypeLiteral
dk.rode.thesis.factorymethod Implementations and examples of the Factory Method design pattern [Gamma95, p.107]. 
dk.rode.thesis.interpreter Implementations and examples of the Interpreter design pattern [Gamma95, p.243]. 
dk.rode.thesis.meta.reflect Various reflection utilities and classes
dk.rode.thesis.prototype Implementations and examples of the Prototype design pattern [Gamma95, p.117]. 

Uses of TypeLiteral in dk.rode.thesis.factorymethod

Subclasses of TypeLiteral in dk.rode.thesis.factorymethod
 class Factory<T>
          A generic factory that will create products of type T.
 class TypedFactory<T,P>
          A generic factory that will create products of type T while only accepting constructor arguments of type P (for all arguments).

Methods in dk.rode.thesis.factorymethod with parameters of type TypeLiteral
protected  Command<E> ReflectiveCommandCreator.create(Sequence<E> sequence, TypeLiteral<? extends Command<E>> type)
private static Class<?>[] TypedFactory.toClassArray(TypeLiteral<?> typeLiteral, int length)
          Creates an array of length length storing the raw type of typeLiteral at each index.

Constructors in dk.rode.thesis.factorymethod with parameters of type TypeLiteral
TypedFactory(TypeLiteral<P> parameterType)
          Constructor, which creates this factory to create instances of the type represented by the type parameter T using the declared constructor accepting a single parameter of type parameterType.
TypedFactory(TypeLiteral<P> parameterType, int parameters)
          Constructor, which creates this factory to create instances of the type represented by the type parameter T using the declared constructor accepting the number of parameters supplied as parameters of the type parameterType.

Uses of TypeLiteral in dk.rode.thesis.interpreter

Constructors in dk.rode.thesis.interpreter with parameters of type TypeLiteral
Interpreter(TypeLiteral<T> type)

Uses of TypeLiteral in dk.rode.thesis.meta.reflect

Subclasses of TypeLiteral in dk.rode.thesis.meta.reflect
 class InstantiableTypeLiteral<T>
          Represents the instantiable type realised as the type parameter T, where T may be a generic type.

Methods in dk.rode.thesis.meta.reflect that return TypeLiteral
<S> TypeLiteral<T>
TypeLiteral.asType(TypeLiteral<S> typeLiteral)
          Returns a view of typeLiteral as the type represented by this type literal, T instead of S, if possible.
<S> TypeLiteral<?>
TypeLiteral.create(Class<S> clazz)
          Returns a type literal representing the generic super-type of class supplied as clazz.
static TypeLiteral<?> TypeLiteral.create(Object object)
          Returns a type literal representing the generic super-type of class of object.
static TypeLiteral<?> TypeLiteral.create(Type type)
          Returns a type literal representing the component type supplied via type.

Methods in dk.rode.thesis.meta.reflect with parameters of type TypeLiteral
<S> TypeLiteral<T>
TypeLiteral.asType(TypeLiteral<S> typeLiteral)
          Returns a view of typeLiteral as the type represented by this type literal, T instead of S, if possible.
<S> InstantiableTypeLiteral<S>
InstantiableTypeLiteral.create(TypeLiteral<S> typeLiteral, Class<?>... parameterTypes)
          Returns an instantiable type literal representing the type S supplied via the type literal type.
static boolean InstantiableTypeLiteral.isInstatiable(TypeLiteral<?> type)
          Returns true if the raw type represented by type is instantiable, false if not.

Constructors in dk.rode.thesis.meta.reflect with parameters of type TypeLiteral
InstantiableTypeLiteral(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral, Class<?>... parameterTypes)
          Constructor, which creates this instantiable type literal to represent the type represented by the type literal typeLiteral.
TypeLiteral(TypeLiteral<T> typeLiteral)
          Copy constructor, which creates this type literal based on the type represented by typeLiteral.

Uses of TypeLiteral in dk.rode.thesis.prototype

Methods in dk.rode.thesis.prototype with parameters of type TypeLiteral
<T> Copyable<T>
PrototypeFactory.getPrototypicalObject(TypeLiteral<T> type, T object)
          Returns a prototypical object representing object that can be copied by invoking Copyable.copy() on it if and only if the class of object supplies a copy constructor and/or directly implements Copyable.

Gunni Rode / rode.dk

Feel free to use and/or modify the Java 6 source code developed for this thesis AT YOUR OWN RISK, but note that the source code comes WITHOUT ANY — and I do mean WITHOUT ANY — form of warranty WHAT SO EVER!

The original thesis and source code are available at rode.dk/thesis.